Kristin Allen-Zito’s songs are finely tuned, sharply barbed observations on life and love, wrapped up in delicate finger picking and sweetly layered harmonies. Her first album, Helium, marked the arrival of a distinctive new voice and beguilingly fresh take on the singer/songwriter genre. It’s a record filled with small yet telling details - coffee cups, cigarettes, stubbed toes - that become deft metaphors for the heart’s conundrums, complexities and contradictions. Her newer songs continue in this vein, but go further - exploring death, aging and of course love.
Kristin Allen-Zito’s second solo release "The Atlas" on Clickpop Records heralds her return from life as the lead singer of the electro-punk band “The Trucks” to her folk music roots. The album draws on her deep history of folk songwriting, solo performance, and a family deeply ensconced in the folk music scene. While her first solo album moved away from traditional folk towards indie rock and pop music, her new record is a return to the rhythms and feel of her roots. However, it is as clear as ever that Kristin knows how to blend traditional folk, catchy pop, and captivating story telling to create a unique and compelling record. Also featured on the album are many guest musicians such as Kristina Olsen (Mellissa Etheridge), Larry Knechtel (Bread, Simon & Garfunkel, Bob Dylan), as well as many Bellingham musicians including Dylan Rieck (The Crying Shame, Prosser, Jenni Potts, Rooftops), Michael Harris (Idiot Pilot, Jenni Potts), Jordan Rain (Yogoman Burning Band), Sarah Jerns (Pan Pan), Jenni Potts, Mark Detrick (Rooftops, Lands Farther East), Rich Canut (Black Eyes & Neckties), and many more. nbsp;
You may also know Kristin from her work as one of the fabulous ladies of "The Trucks".
website: www.kristinallenzito.com
myspace: myspace.com/kristinallenzito
Kristin Allen-Zito Tour Dates / Shows
- Bellingham WA
Sunday, Nov 7, 2pm - $5
WWU PAC Concert Hall
MINIFEST! miniture pieces by many perfomers - Bellingham WA
Sunday, Nov 14, 7pm
1500 Humboldt
CD release party All ages house show W/Go Slowpoke - Seattle WA
Monday, Nov 15, 8pm
Nectar Lounge
Kristin plays with Cinema Verite & Benoit Pioulard - Bellingham WA
Friday, Dec 3, 8pm - All Ages
The Underground Coffeehouse - WWU
- Bellingham, WA
Tuesday, Dec 7, 21+ - 8pm
The Wild Buffalo