Clickpop released Idiot Pilot's first record, (cp001), in March of 2003. it was subsequently released on Reprise in May of 2004. Their second CD, "Wolves" was also released by Reprise (Warner) and is currently in stores and on itunes. The band (along with drummer - Ryan **** Soukkala) toured the US and the UK extensively from 2004-2008. New music is in the works - as is a rumored return to Clickpop Records - but in the meantime, Daniel is debuting his new project "The Ghost and the Grace" and Michael has been recording and touring with the bands "The Killer and the Star" and "Cold". Check idiotpilot.com for more info.
website: http://www.idiotpilot.com
Idiot Pilot Tour Dates / Shows
- Bellingham, WA
Friday, Jan 29, 8pm
What's Up Magazine Pre-Awards Show @ WWU Viking Union MPR
with Rooftops, Sugar Sugar Sugar, and Yogoman Burning Band